At Wyncote Academy, we understand that not every student is college bound. That's why Wyncote Academy is excited to announce our partnership with the Laborers District Council (LDC) of the Metropolitan Area of Philadelphia and Vicinity. Starting in the Fall 2023 Semester, Wyncote Academy and the LDC will collaborate to implement a trades-based program for students interested in exploring a career in one the building or construction trades. This will be the first step in developing a three-year curricular track for students interested in learning a trade. Students do not need to be a Philadelphia resident to be eligible for the program. There are no costs for the families of participating students. This program is an excellent example of Wyncote Academy's community involvement and we thank our Board Member, Ryan Boyer, who is also the LDC Business Manager, a for spearheading this partnership.

Trades Pre-Apprenticship Program
Wyncote Academy